At first I thought Solomon was going to be rambling on about the same old don't go near the temptress' house and it leads to death and blah blah blah. But, he approaches it differently here. he uses an example; a story, to give you a clear example. I thought it was interesting the way the woman apporaches the man here. Even with the changes in culture, cars, music, politics, and everything, the one thing that has stayed exactly the same is the immoral woman.
Solomon repeats this promise that if we follow in his wisdom we will live! Sometimes repetition in saying something can get old, but I love the encouragement he gives here. And, the different examples he uses bring a new perspective every time. This time he says to love wisdom like a sister. This is easy for me, I have two of those! If a boy walks within 5 feet of my sister, my brother senses go full blast and I'm ready to pounce if something happens. In the same way, I should protect my wisdom, and let is protect me. Ain't nobody gonna be layin the moves on MY wisdom! (Neckroll? yes)
How many immoral women does it take to ruin a man? One. Solomon has a nice tale for us here.
This guy was totally in the wrong place at thr wrong time. I think it's funny that Solomon saw a few naive young men, but says that one of them in particular lacked common sense. I imagine this guy doing something dumb before the encounter with the bad chick. He must've had his shoes untied or something for Solomon to say he especially lacked common sense. You got a guy as dumb as this, and now you're gonna throw some immoral woman on him? No chance for this dude. He was just crossing this street (Probably while cars were crossing), and walked right in front of this bad lady's house. It was twilight and it had become dark. This lady is bad news I tell ya's. it says she was seductively dressed, but her husband wasn't even home. She was looking to do bad before this guy even came along! She had gone to a bunch of preparations. Planned Evil!
It didn't just "happen", she set a trap for this poor street crossing fool! She told the guy her husband would be gone untill te end of the month. So, if we know this chick well enough, we know this probably happened more than once. He didn't even think about, he had absolutely no wisdom to stop and consider this horrible scene. He was like an ox going to the slaughter it says. He was trapped right from the start.
Don't let yourself even become a possible victim of this situation. don't go anywhere near the bad lady's house! This will happen to you too, and you will die! Build your foundation in the fear of God and wisdom, and you can surely avoid any temptation thrown at you.
i just wanted to say.... there were no cars in Old Testament times.