Solomon is all over the place in this chapter I think. ADD definitely existed back then. Don't put up security for your friend's debt, six things god hates, and have I mentioned prostitutes? Nonetheless a very instructive chapter. here we go:
Don't promise to pay off someone's debt. What if you find out after that promise that you can't pay it after all? What kind of friend would you be to back out of that? Then, your friend can use that against you. If you have done something like this, Solomon insists we fix the problem now! Don't rest untill you do!
I love in my translation how he calls procrastinators "Lazybones". I guess saying that they are rotting away in their procrastination. He tells us that we should learn from the ants, and their natural inclination to get stuff done! Sometimes I need help when I have something to do. I don't need you to do work for me, just make a list of what needs to be accomplished. I have to have a list. There's no excuse to put things off the way we do. If you go ahead and do what you need to, you're free to have it off your plate the rest of the day, and never worry with it again. you feel so much better.
Wicked people are constant liars. They find your weaknesses and entice you with their lies, to pull you in and plan your downfall. The Enemy has sent these people to bring us away from God! The devil doesn't make you bad, he just makes you busy. But, these people will be destroyed suddenly, broken in an instant, beyond any hope of healing. I think it's interesting the way God uses the element of suprise when dealing in judgement. "Like a thief in the night..." it comes when you least expect it. This is the outcome of those who turn their backs on God, who turn their backs on wisdom.
God hates six thing (7, Solomon decides after reconsidering)
1:Haughty Eyes
2:A lying tongue
3:Hands that kill the innocent
4:A heart that plots evil
5:Feet that race to do wrong
6: A false witness who pours out lies
7: A person who sows discord in a family
God has a very specific disdain for evil people, whose hearts are focused on doing wrong and causing trouble. I believe that number 6 hurts God so much. That people profess his name, and yet disobey his commands, and lead others astray. How much harder does that make it for those of us who are good to spread the gospel? Our claims to Christ are broken because false prophets and "un-christians" have made us look bad.
Solomon speaks again here about a parent's counsel for us. The one thing that sticks out here is verse 22:
"When you walk their counsel will lead you, when you sleep they will protect you, when you wake they will advise you."
They counsel will lead you. Did your mom ever tell you not to walk down dark alleys?
When you sleep they will protect you:
Mom reminded you to take your medicine before you went to bed so you could breathe right?
When you wake they will advise you:
Did you brush your teeth when you got up?
If we could just remember all the little things we learn growing up from our moms everything would be so much easier.
"Boys are dumb."
-Mrs. McKeel
See Chapter 5
We can make excuses and have good reasons for our sin, but if we sin, it's still a sin. we are still responsible for our actions no matter what inscentive we had.
Never sleep with another man's wife. Just in case you didn't already know that. Solomon talks about this alot, I think he knows this from experience. This time he talks alot about how it will come back to haunt you, particularly in the form of the husband. "He will be furious, and he will show no mercy when he takes revenge. He will accept no compensation, nor be satisfied with a payoff of any size."
There is no way to make up for this. When you commit adultery, you are destroying yourself. Not only is it a sin because you betrayed your own wife, but you cause someone else's wife to betray them! It's a lose-lose (lose-lose). Everyone loses. Just don't do it. Bad idea.
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