Friday, February 11, 2011

Proverbs Chapter 10

I don't have much time to write, I'm being a youth leader on a middle school retreat this weekend! Firecrackers in the bathroom? I'm so afraid.
 I'll just have to write on a couple good  verses from 10

"A wise youth harvests in the summer, but one who sleeps in the harvest is a disgrace."
I think summers are so important to work, as I intend to do this summer. Summer goes by so quick, before you know it, you've gone to a couple pools, parties etc, and it's september, and here comes GCN!! whew.
Take your summer days and put them to good use, and the Lord would will.

"Too much talk leads to sin. Be sensible and keep your mouth shut."
This is hard for me. I'm a extreme extrovert, social, talker. My sprititual gift is hospitality and exhortation. How can you be slient and do that? For the most part it's good to speak and have things to say, but from my own experience, I can tell you, being a talker can get you into trouble. BIG TROUBLE! Does anyone know how much a brain filter costs these days? I need one. Guard you words with your thoughs, guard your thoughts with your heart, and guard your heart with wisdom through a fear of God. You can always keep safe this way.

Seriously that's all the time I have. have a good weekend people!


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