Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Proverbs Chapter 15

"A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare."

It's so hard to cool down in a fight. This is something I've been trying to get better at for a while. If you're yelling at each other back and forth it will only increase the fighting. It's really hard for the other person to stay flared and angry if you're very calm, controlled, and gentle. very important verse.
God is watching. I know it's cheesey when mom's say that, but it's so true. God sees all evil and all good in the world. If you do something wrong, God sees you. If you do something good, God sees you. When you mess up or you prevail, God is watching, and what a good and just supervisor we have!
"...Whoever learns from correction is wise..."
We should be like children in this sense. When we do something wrong, we are supposed to learn from it, and do better the next time. When someone rebukes us and corrects us, we are supposed to listen and be taught. It's hard for me because sometimes people rebuke and correct very harshly and in ways that are not gentle and kind, and I don't want to listen to mean people. but, even then, God is double testing us. he is testing our patience and gentleness as well as our ability to hear and learn. Sneaky.

"Even death and destruction hold no secrets from the Lord! How much better does he know the human heart?"

God knows everything about you. better than you know yourself. He made you, and he knows of every sin you have ever commited. At first thought that scares me. God knows EVERYTHING I've ever done? But then I think about the blessings I have even through those sins, and all I can say is "What a wonderful, merciful and forgiving savior I have!"

"A glad heart makes a happy face, a broken heart crushes the spirit." -Verse 13
"...For the happy heart, life is a continual feast." -Verse 15
I cannot say enough how much it has been a blessing to me just to be joyful. Just having this wisdom in me lets me see everything in a different light. All the same crap keeps happening, the same situations still suck, but I'm truly happy about it! God knows far more than I do that's for sure!

"Better to have little and fear the Lord, than to have great treasure and inner turmoil."
God is such a treasure. He is more valuable than any treasure on the earth or in space or anywhere else NASA is looking at. I would rather be poor and have God, than to be the most wealthy man in the world and be a lost child screaming for an answer.

"A bowl of vegetables with someone you love, is better than steak with someone you hate."
This verse rocks. especially for me, I don't like steak. I would rather have the bowl of veggies anyway! Veggies AND somebody I love. Word.

"Sensible children bring joy to their father, foolish children despise their mother."
Solomon knows a very important realtionship in life is with your parent's. Personally I despise dissapointing my parents. It's such a let-down depressing day. I would like to bring joy to my parents, not only for their favor, but just so that they are not stressed or troubled.

"Plans go wrong for lack of advice,
many advisers bring sucess."

This is vital and often overlooked. It's so important to have people older than you that understand where you are giving you help through your decisions. I can't tell you how many stupid things I've avoided doing with the guidance of my parent's, my sister, christian, etc. Before I do anything, I just ask other people close to me what they think. This is a smart move for a charger.

"...It is wonderful to say the right thing at the right time."
You know that moment where you just simply nail it? You gave the perfect response in the perfect moment with the perfect outcome. SUH-WEET! What a victory. Score one for the home team! I love that moment. Who doesn't like to suceed?

"The heart of the Godly thinks carefully before speaking. the mouth of the wicked overflows with evil words."
This reminds me of that John Mayer song "My Stupid Mouth" where he basically illustrates every guy's moment of "Oh snap...I just said that." He talks about how his mom always told him to think before speaking, and how he wishes he had a filter in his head. This. is. me. That is the advice my mom has given me the most times in my life. being a charger, that is another place where I am reckless and stupid. So many times I have just blurted out whatever comes to mind. That doesn't go well ever. ever ever ever. Think before you speak. The bible tells me so.

"A cheerful look brings joy to the heart;
good news makes for good health."
I love that Solomon is finally talking some happiness this time. Honestly I was getting kinda bummed about all the "Wicked are foolish" stuff. I wanted something cheery! here it is! This is just purely telling us more ways to stay joyful. Find good news in things, be happy for people. SMILE!! It fixes everything!

Fear of the Lord teaches wisdom..."
I think he could end every chapter with this verse and it would get me every time. It's so powerful! So strong!

The End.


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