I will just start by saying, I LOVE THIS CHAPTER! It had wonderful encouraging things in it. okay. go
"Store my commands in your heart." Lock them in. Save it for a rainy day.
"If you do this, you will live many years, and your life will be satisfying."
This part confuses me. Some people do exactly what God wants but they die in a car accident at the age of 23....? Live many years, Solo-Man? Really?
I love this part in verse 3 about keeping kindness and loyalty in your life always. This is important for me, because I think that encouragement, and kindness are some of the best ways to reach someone.
We will earn favor with God, and a good reputation with people, as well as lift people up and make them happy. Who doesn't want to be happy all the time?
Here comes one of the most famous verses of all time, Proverbs: 3-5-6. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in al you do, and he will show you which path to take"
It really is one of the best verses there is. It gives a command, and a promise. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, not a little of your heart, not just when things are going well. Trust him ALWAYS with ALL of your heart. Lean not on your own understanding: Don't expect to know what you need to know by yourself. Are we smarter than God? Duh, no. If we know how brilliant God is, why would we ever try to figure things out by ourself? Seek his will in all you do and he will show you which path to take: This is a hard one for me. to seek his will in everything. 'Cause it's hard to do every single thing for God. I've always been the kind of kid who wasn't afraid to be payed attention to. The center of attention even, and because of the things I would like to do with my life, it's hard to want to lower myself for God sometimes. BUT! If we DO seek his will, and do what he has chosen for us, he will make it easier to do so, and show us which path to take. I'm a sucker for clarity. The goodness of vision, and the John Mayer song. Honor the Lord with your wealth, Solomon says, and with all the best of your produce. "He will fill your barns with grain, and your vats will overflow with good wine" I don't have money, but if I did....I would probably stink at this. Seriously, how easy is it to give 10 dollars in offering? It's a sacrifice, but God says that if we sacrifice for him, he will pay us back for it. I don't have a barn to be filled with grain, but one day, when I'm 21, I'll appreciate that good wine. Not cheapo, wal-mart wine, but the legit, made in the mountains, wine!
Don't be upset if God corrects you. hard. It's hard to be told you're wrong. He uses parental advice as an example here, and that's a good one. It's tough when my parents tell me I've done wrong. But, it gets your attention, and it's usuallu good for you. He says here that people who find wisdom become joyful, and I can testify! I was in such a funk, a permanent bad mood, and ever since I started seeking God's wisdom again, I have been constantly happy! best thing ever. "The Lord founded the earth on wisdom, by understanding he created the heavens." So, in trusting God, we are given the same wisdom that built the earth and heavens?? WOAH BABY!! I want in! "By his knowledge the deep fountains of the earth burst forth, and the dew settles beneath the night sky." Just his very knowledge makes the world turn. and his wisdom brings the dew in the morning? I've always wondered how that got there! IT'S GOD!! Amazing,.
Discernment. The knowing of what is right and wrong. The only time this doesn't come into play is when we abandon it. We all know right and wrong. I can't remember the last time I did something wrong, and I could truly say "I didn't know". It's not that hard. Solomon simply suggests not to lose sight of it. And the reason we all will find this part easy to understand, is becuse we already understand it. Thanks for the reminder, Sol.
Verses 25-26 say this: "You need not be afraid of sudden disaster or the destruction that comes upon the wicked, for the Lord is your security. He will keep your foot from getting caught in the trap."
I've watched friends lose their friends in accidents, and I've watched people grieve in sudden disaster. Yet, we should not be afraid of this? This is a harsh command. We have to trust God so much to understand when a loved one dies. or a house burns down. he is our security. and he will keep us from getting caught. somehow.
"Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to help them. If you can help your neighbor now, don't say 'Come back tomorrow, and I will help you then.'"
It is our duty as christians, or even just as good people, to help each other. How many times has someone been stranded in a parking lot cause no one will give their car a jump? It's the little things like this that make someone's day, and bring us favor in God's eyes. Entertaining Angels, People!
"Do not pick a fight without reason, when no one has done you harm"
No explanation for that one. Just good advice.
"Don't envy violent people, or follow in their ways." Of course this is pretty easy for us, we don't feel like walking up and beating on someone do we? But, depending on who you're looking up to, it could be tempting to follow in the example. Who is the number 1 person, children want to be like? Their fathers. And if their fathers are criminals who beat on people, what are the children likely to do? Beat up on people and become criminals. It's sad, but true. How can we help these people? "These people are detestable to the Lord, but he offers friendship to the Godly." So, if we are Godly, and God offers us friendship, maybe we can introduce this friendship to those who are so lost.
Solomon ends here with his usual "Evil people are put to shame, those with wisdom are honored!" type thing.
but one thing he wrote got my attention.
"The Lord mocks the mockers"
The Lord looks down upon the evil. They are cast away from his love and promises because they have chosen to be. the fools are put to shame. the wise inherit honor. It was an odd place to end a chapter, so in turn, this will be an odd ending to a blog about it. Kind of a downer ending the, Solomon, don't you think?
"For the Lord is your security..."
I am so glad that you talked about this: "The Lord founded the earth on wisdom, by understanding he created the heavens." I somehow totally missed that! In fact, when I read that. I stopped dead in my tracks and said "Wait, I didn't read anything like that..." So then I went back and.... DAH! That is so cool. Seriously, who wouldn't want that? I can't even believe that He would give us wisdom so powerful. I am only 17 for crying out loud! Haha.
ReplyDeleteAnd when I read the John Mayer "Clarity" part... I played that song :) So good.
That was one of most striking things we've read so far! I loved it!
ReplyDeleteJohn Mayer constantly reminds of God's love for me. His music is seriously one of the greatest blessing in my life haha