Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Proverbs Chapter 22: Catching Up


It is better to be known for your good deeds than your money. I haven't really had the choice between those yet, seeing as most 16 year olds are broke. But I hope that when I am older and accountable for more money, I will be known to put this first:  how people look at my by what's in my heart and actions and not what's in my wallet. ("What's in YOUR wallet"?)

The Lord created the poor and the wealthy. He loves them both, they are equal. So should not the wealthy man give to his needy brother? He should bless this needy man, acknowledging him as a creation as he is. I think this should go for the poor as well. Even the poor man should reach a hand of comfort to his brother. Pride of wealth ruins a man and makes him see himself too highly when it is not his own triumph that he has obtained this wealth, but God's, who gave him the wealth to share and bless people.
"Blessed are those who are generous, because they feed the poor." -Verse 9

"Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it."
If you direct your children at a young age to go the right way, and to build a foundation in Christ, they are very likely to stay in that foundation even when they leave you. I've heard that if the average american human hasn't accepted Christ by age 18, they never will. We must reach our friends and the children under us and bring them under God's hands before their hearts harden and they will not listen! Not everyone has had the privelige to find God through their own family and upbringing, so help your friends out now!

Don't be lazy. Don't make excuses and find reasons not to go out and live big and take risks. The lazy man is shunned by God, and he will never find wisdom.

"A youngster's heart is filled with foolishness, but physical discipline will drive it far away."
Yes. Solomon endorses spankings. Honestly, I don't know where I'd be without spankings today. I think that was the only way I could learn to clean my room and starighten up. I was a fireball child, and discipline saved me from being completely out of control . Thanks, Sol.

The Lord is the defender of the needy. Do we want to be to go against God? No, No, No! We will Lose!
Truly we are all lacking something. The wise man may lack money, but the wealthy man lacks wisdom.. So these two can help each other.

Choose your companions carefully. If you spend alot of time with foul mouthed people, eventually you will also begin using bad language. Surround yourself with the type of people you would like to be like, and you will become like them! It is hard not become like your friends. I'm accused of this all the time. Lucky for me, I have good friends and what I pick up from them isn't harmful.

Prayer Requests

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