Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What happened to the picture??

Life is all about waiting. Flight gets delayed. Wait 5 hours with crying kids galore! Storm hits and knocks out power. Wait all day playing board games with candles, hoping the tv will work again PLEASE!! Wait. Wait. WAIT! It's not fun, it's not what we want, but if we're patient, we get what we want, and what we need (Thank you Rolling Stones). It's like the songs say. They that wait on the lord shall renew their strength. Lamentations 3:25 says that :“The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him”. If we seek God, and pur our hope in him while we're waiting, he will help us. Maybe we're at a red light because God wants to tell us something. Maybe we need to try something different. Sometimes getting what we want requires doing thing we don't want to do (Like if I want to play video games I have to weed-wack first). We have to wait through the long beeps and color bars of a tv announcement for a reason. It's something important to get our attention. If you are not getting the things you're waiting for, it's for good reason and it means that everything is going according to God's plan (Romans 8:28). When you have to wait. wait. wait. pray. pray. pray. Pray for strength and pray for God to guide you in the right direction

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