Monday, March 28, 2011

God Answers/Still a Charger/God's Plan

God is so fast to asnwer prayers sometimes. Like, immediate response. I asked God for something so simple as a quick answer, and I got it in the next 48 hours. I guess I'm mostly just suprised because this so rarely happens to me! But, sometimes I think we see something as so small and unimportant, but God sees it as something important that he can use to help you, even if it isn't exactly what you wanted.  On another note that is somewhat related, I've realized once again that my charger mentality is not so good! I suppose everyone has their own way of growing and learning, but I think I'd like to find a new one. I keep making the same mistakes and not learning anything from it! what the heck is that? I feel like I should have improved my methods by now. Classic Evan: charge in with closed eyes, open them and see what I ran into. I guess what frustrates me the most is that this time I actually had a distinct plan not to be a charger at all, and yet I was anyway! I very carefully and wisely made myself a plan to halt any momentum I was gaining. And right when I was executing that perfectly, I charged.  Hard to break those habits, I suppose. Darned if I haven't gone and done it again. Oh well. i think it's all for the best anyway. God's plan will prevail over all, and that's the most encouraging thing. He knows what's best for me, even if I don't.
"For I know the plans I have for you" Declares the Lord "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
-Jeremiah 29:11

Prayer Requests:


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Push it to the limit

Push it, Push it to the limit limit, cause we're in it to win it, in it to win it, aww yeah. Push it, push it, to the limit, limit, cause we're in it to win it, in it to win it aww yeah!

Corbin Blue - Push it to the Limit.

cause I felt like it.
Happy Saturday!


-For some reason I woke up with a shocking pain in my toe. I'm limping, limping to the limit limit! AHHH!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Happiness is a warm puppy. Anyone remember that book Charles Shultz? Well I decided to make my own version right quick.

Happiness is a warm puppy.
Happiness is that pair of perfect gap sweat-pants Ashlyn gave me.
Happiness is a fully charged Gameboy.
Happiness is whatever delicious suprise Momma has made for lunch.
Happiness is a plan to have no plan day with Christian.
Happiness is a goblin that sounds like a turkey.
Happiness is remembering the happiness of my younger years.
Happiness is getting out my old PS One and playing beyblade.
Happiness is a cream soda dum dum pop.
Happiness is a tall glass of milk, followed by a second.
Happiness is the neighbor's dog barking at the door to play fetch. Shut up, Bandit!
Happiness is me and my guitar making emotions into music.
Happiness is that "Yes!" moment when you finally nail that guitar riff.
Happiness is that smile she gives.
Happiness is "We're going to Disney World???"
Happiness is a pack of skittles for 69 cents.
Happiness is a plate of warm chocolate chip cookies. Thanks, Shan.
Happiness is "Why aren't you in bed at 12:45?" "I'm talking to Ashlyn!"
Happiness is a Duke basketbal game with chili dogs and sweet tea.
Happiness is Gavin Degraw's Follow Through 3 times a day.
Happiness is the word of God spoken to me.
Happiness is the life I have been given.



Monday, March 21, 2011


I wish I was psychic. I was I could read people's minds. I could do anything. I could know anything. too bad I can't. I'll just stay clueless.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Writing Music

There is nothing quite like writing music. The way it lifts you up, the way it frees you. It's the one time I really feel far away from the world. The way my emotions and thoughts can turn into notes and words sparatically on a guitar or simply and gently on a piano. If I'm frustrated, it's powerful and beautiful. If I'm thoughtful, It's sleepy. If I'm joyful, it's snappy. If I'm confused, it just kinda explodes. And that's how music is made. I hope I have the privilege to continue writing my whole life. I hope that someday I can share my music with others.

Song of the week:
Follow Through by Gavin Degraw


Thursday, March 10, 2011


Plans. Plans for life. Plans for love. Plans for lunch. Plans for saturday. Plans for you. Plans for me. Plans.

"System for acheiving objective. A method of doing something that is worked our in advance."

My entire life as well as the lives of those around me are solely built off of plans. Some plans are very specific.
"I'm going to THIS school marrying THIS girl, I'm going to do THIS job, have THIS many kids, and die at THIS age" (Exaggeration. Check)
Some are very vague like
"I plan to start here, and then maybe this, or maybe that, I dunno we'll see"
Either way, you have an idea of what you'd like to do with your life. I'm at that age where you really start making alot of plans. But, sometimes plans don't always bring the desired outcome. Sometimes you made a bad plan, or one that wasn't bad just not right. Sometimes God has a totally different plan than you. Sometimes you might even be halfway through a plan before you know what HIS plan is.
Jermiah 29:11 says
"For I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
God sees the big picture. All I see is right now, and what I want to do. In the last few months I've started to see alot of contrast between my desires and God's desires. The path I would choose is very different from the path HE would choose, and It's tough to realize you might not be able to see your plans come into play.
But, I've been in the word alot lately, and my faith has grown, and as I've grown closer to Christ, my outlooks and desires have changed, and along with that, my plans have changed in a path that is much closer to God's path. When you have a close walk with the Lord everything changes. Your attitude, your personality, your happiness, your purpose. You begin to have a compassion for those who are alone or lost. You want to take that love and bring it to anyone and everyone. You also are able to see people better, and I mean that in two ways. You can see the bad in people more, AND you can also see the good in people more clearly, and that becomes more desirable. I mean, no joke, ever since I've strengthened my faith, I've seen girls in a totally different way. I used to like alot of different girls, before really knowing them. When you become Godly and have a strong faith, you become far more picky, haha. Seriously, once you have God, I mean REALLY have God, you only desire a girl who also REALLY has God, you know what I'm sayin? Ryan gets me. Yo, Ryan! Where you at?

I'm learning more and more how futile and foolish our plans are. God's plan will always prevail anyway, why try and decide what's going to happen? When you place God in the center of your life, all the plans get set for you, and you don't often have to decide anything! God just puts you where he needs you. Word!


Monday, March 7, 2011

The Bible/Adjacent Days/Hopeless

Hey Bloggers. been neglectent for a week or so. haven't done a non-bible reviewing post in like 2 months.
So for any of you who followed along with me in the book of proverbs, let me just say. IT WAS AWESOME! I loved getting everyone's thoughts, as well as my own, documented together, it was so refreshing, and I feel like I've grown so much!
On April 1st, we will start Ecclesiastes. We will read one chapter a week for 12 weeks (3 Months).
This way, I think everyone will be able to fit it in, and not feel so pressured to read and write every day, especially good for kids in college, work, etc.
I would also urge you to pick another book to read every day. Or something. We should be in the word every day without fail. even if it's one verse. I myself will be reading through Romans along with Ecclesiastes. I adore paul's letters, I think they are so spritually sound in every aspect. I can't wait to start up again with you all. WORD!

Outside of bible land:
I can't wait to start playing tennis again!
I played alot last year, and I'd say I picked it up pretty quickly, Its getting warmer now, and I'm hoping for weekly ballin!
Choir is heating up, as well as the masters plan production, and so, warming up my vocal chords, I AM READY FOR SOME SINGING!

In closing,
All week I have craved Taco bell insanely. Oh, how so I would love to inhale that rich Grade D Beef smell, and bite into that not so crunchy crunchwrap, along with the ever puffed corn snack of cinnamon twists! Come to be Mr. Bell! Grace me with your heartburn!

Hopeless Crappy Mexican Food Romantic, and Hopeless Regular Romantic; Yes I'm the creeper in the corner picking a guitar, singing about love. Typical Poetic 16 year-old boy who never excelled in sports.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Proverbs Chapter 26

This chapter kind of has two sections. Fools, and Lazy People. So instead of seperating verses, I'll just knock out those two parts.

Wise words spoken by a fool are useless. because their motives are void, so there outcomes will be as well. I'm confused by verses 4 and 5, because in one it tells us not to answer the argument of a fool, but the next verse tell us to be sure to answer the arguments of a fool. whaa???? I'm not sure what he's getting at, but maybe he means not to answer them in argument, but to answer them with calm and wisdom?
Do not put your trust in a fool. Especially if you know they are a fool. Trusting a fool with a message, will nullify your message. It will either fail to make it to the receptor or it will be given in bits and pieces and with gossip and lies in between. A fool will keep repeating the same foolish acts over and over again, never learning what he's done. be careful not to fall into this trap! "There is more hope for fools, than those who think they are wise."
For those who think they are wise, will never budge, while a fool is simply ignorant.

Lazy People:
A lazy person will always make excuses, as it says here that this man claims there is a lion in the road, so he cannot go out! A lazy person sleeps, and sleeps to waste time and avoid having to do things! A lazy person will always claim to have something to do so that you won't give them a job! wow.
"Interfering in someone else's arguments, is as foolish as yanking a dogs ears."
All you are doing is causing tension. It makes your friends angry and think differently of you. Every time two people start ti bicker they will be waiting for you to jump in, and see you as judgemental. Keep to your own business, and let the two sort it out. This reminds me of movies where the two brothers start swinging and punching and stuff and the friends all gather around to watch and someone always says "Let 'em work it out!"
haha. Unrecognized quote? Movie: Hot Rod!
Verse 18 applies directly to our generation.
"Just as damaging as a madman shooting a deadly weapon is someone who lies to a friend then says "I was only joking."
I see people and also myself do this all the time! I did it two weeks ago, and my friend wasn't too happy about it either! For some reason we have decided it's okay to lie, if humor was intended. whaa???? That's why when someone does that I say "Just Lying!" Because there's no difference! tell the truth!


Proverbs Chapter 25

Verse 2-3:
God has dibs.  Being the God of all the universe and everything in it, he has full dibs on hiding things, and doing whatever he deems right. I know this is hard to go with, because if you're like me, you don't want to lose control of things, but God is strong enough for the both of you. For all of you! So for the things you cannot see, don't try to see them! Maybe you don't need to! His power is truly awesome. Awesome in the way it's meant to be used. Look at all he has created. We cannot fathom or begin to comprehend the mind and works of our creator. He has such a brilliant look at things.

Verse 11:
"Timely advice is lovely, like golden apples in a silver basket."
I think we take for granted how great it is to have someone tell you what you should do. 'Cause if you're like me, you probably are going to do something dumb on your own, so might as well try someone else's crazy idea. Especially if that idea is called "Wait."

Verses 12-13:
Criticism is tough to take. No matter how nicely it is said, it's someone telling you what you've done wrong, and no matter what, it hurts to some degree. But, if you take what they've said to heart, it can change you, and build you up! It says here that criticism is like gold jewelry. If you wear it, it makes you look better, it is improving. I recently had a friend point out a problem with me. he went about it the best way I think he could have. At first, I was a little hurt, but I don't think it was at my friend, it was just that I had never realized this flaw in my life before, and because I knew the love in his heart in these words, and I listened, it began to have a full effect, and I was brought to tears at the work of God through him speaking to me. Verse 13 talks about "Trustworthy messengers" and how they revive the spirit of their employers. My friend in this case was the messenger to me, and he was perfectly trustworthy to me the receptor, and to God the employer, and I have been changed. GOD IS SO POWERFUL!

This was a good conformation for me, after the retreat I just went on. It really spoke of what was spoken to me there. Sometimes nothing is more affective than a Godly conformation!
